We have just completed our AGMs. The attendance was great and members were positive about the report. We have a few issues raised by our members of which the union is attending too. We also had three resolutions which were overwhelmly passed by the members in attendance. We also would like to second to the AWUNZ executive a member from the Eastern Bay of Plenty area and a member for the Waikato King Country Taranaki Area. If there is more than one applicant then the Executive will select the person to see out the vacant position term. Then they would go up for election. The term for an executive position is Three years. I would like to thank our members for attending our AGMs.
We would like to welcome workers who have resigned from an in house group and joined our union in New Plymouth. We had to negotiate the transition from a flat rate to an hourly rate plus penal rates, and the members all agreed to the new terms. We are heading to Wellington to talk to the other workers who work down there in the near future.
We have better than what we had .but it less than what workers in this country deserve. Political lobbying by government friendly groups seemed to have swayed the government from giving workers in this country what they deserve. Sad indictment on a country where political expediency over rules common sense when it comes to strong health and safety legislation.
Your union is mounting a campaign to re-unionise the vertical construction industry. With the building boom going great guns we have to get out there and show workers why it is important to be in our union, It will be hard ,but what is easy anymore for workers or unions for that matter.
It is pretty clear this government is hell bent on creating a multi-generational class of families who will be renting for the rest of their lives. With the crazy prices for houses in the Auckland area. Your average couple has little or no show of ever owning their own home. After denying there even was a problem our Teflon Prime minister who the media is too scared to criticise are supposedly trying to rectify the crisis. Here is the thing when they talk of affordable housing when you see the price it is still unaffordable. With the population excepted to grow by 1 million people over the next 20 years in Auckland, there does not seem to be any relief coming soon. Social engineering is going great guns in Glen Innes. As quick as they get rid of the tenants from the state houses around Glen Innes the house also disappears just as quick. Here is a QUESTION
“Are the old state houses being taken too Spring Hill Prison and are they getting upgraded their”
There is hundreds of MILLIONS of Dollars of unclaimed superannuation in Australian Super Funds, most of which they believe belong to KIWIS. We want to help you find that money. This the web site which should help you find your savings
You need your Tax File number
Some say it costs this country, that’s YOU around officially $21 Billion unofficially $30 Billion and you would have thought we would have learnt from the last debacle, well below me down the government is proposing the builders can certify their own work. That is Dumber than Dumber. What Brain dead drongo has thought that up We will see the same old rip off merchants, who liquidated their business back in the day, so they would not get sued, if they are not already back selling rubbish homes to unsuspecting families and who is going to pick up the bill (YOU).Do you honestly think a builder is going to fail their own work. The trouble is you won’t see the consequences till about 10 years after the house has been built and sold on and BUYER BEWARE is unacceptable. We have moved from having world class regulations to no or little regulations. Ask any LEAKY home owner if they had their time again would they rather have had compliance regulations that may have cost an extra $20.000 before they bought their home that ensured water tight requirements .I would bet you a cold beer they would say yes. Rather than go through the stress and health issues many were confronted with, let alone the costs.
Well they finally achieved a surplus after 6 budget failures. While it may have just achieved their goal the national debt is running around $60 Billion. When they took office it was around $12 Billion.. Unemployment has remained stubbornly around 6% so the rock star economy has not been delivered or was the labour imported instead of investing in our families.
This is nothing short of Corporate Welfare. When you get no work or not enough work, where do you go down to WINZ to top up your money to LIVE? We are starting to see companies in the traffic management industry use these disgusting contracts. We are tackling the companies that have these contracts one at a time. They have to make themselves available 7 days a week with no guarantee of work.
The Executive Members and Staff would like to take this opportunity to wish all members and their families a Very Merry Christmas and Safe an Happy New Year.
Look after your kids by the water and roads, we hope you all enjoy a bit of a break and enjoy some summer weather.
The Offices will be closed from the 23rd December 2015. to 11January 2016.
Maurice Davis will work though any issues please contact him on
Maurice 021 288 5605
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The Executive of the Northern Amalgamated Workers Union has endorsed a proposed change to the logo.
The latest update from the Christchurch Rebuild at the blood bank site, run by Hawkins Construction. Please read on for more information.