The Executive of the Northern Amalgamated Workers Union has endorsed a proposed change to the logo.
The “AWUNZ” will remain unchanged, but the wording around it will be different. We have decided to remove the “Amalgamated Workers” and replace it with “Construction, Infrastructure”. This is a bold step that clearly defines who we are and who we represent in the majority of our sites. This does not impede us from branching out into other industries, where it either makes sense or a new industry where there is growth potential. Nor does it stop us from representing those companies that do not readily fit
that description.
We have just completed our AGMs. The attendance was great and members were positive about the report. We have a few issues raised by our members of which the union is attending too.
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test - 03 September 2015
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ultrices enim a neque cursus, at porttitor libero hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at eros dui. Maecenas placerat felis tristique nunc consequat varius. Aenean interdum elementum dolor ac eleifend. Morbi eleifend at ligula sit amet imperdiet.
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The latest update from the Christchurch Rebuild at the blood bank site, run by Hawkins Construction. Please read on for more information.
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